An easy way to track your scores in Truco matches.

TrucoMarker is an application specially designed for Truco players that turns your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad into a point counter.
With the TrucoMarker features, players really have to prove that they are good “in the deck.”
It allows you to view the current game in detail, showing the history and actions taken by each player, corrections or changes in the score, and even the dealer’s position that prevents the smart guys from having advantages in the lack of attention of other players.
With the Player Ranking, you can track your performance and the complete history of each player.
You can even find out which teammate you have had the most wins or losses with.
Make weekly meetings of Truco player’s friends into real championships.
📱 Features
- Complete track record per match and players.
- Ranking of Players.
- Dealer position configurable.
- Match details with description of each move and score.
- Options to correct last score.
- Options to change the dealer.
- Automatic registration of players.
- 2, 4 or 6 players option.