Comparing prices has never been easier!
PriceRoll is a barcode reader that helps you search for more detailed information about products.
Also, the app researches product prices in supermarkets (Malta / EU) and shows a detailed comparison of the best shopping options.
You can also set up product lists to find out which supermarket is more advantageous to buy.
🚀 Beta
📱 Features
- Barcode scanner.
- Price comparison: Find and compare the same product in different Stores.
- Similar Search: find similar products to build a more complete comparison list.
- Store Comparison: Compare all Stores to find the best prices and price ranges between them.
- Groups: Create special groups to compare different product categories.
- Best Price indicator.
- Detailed list of products found in the Store.
- Favorites: Mark products to build a favorite list.
- Recently Viewed list.
- Latest Viewed list.
- Search product details on Amazon, Google, Ebay, Wikipedia.