Project in association with Speech Therapist Luciana Assanti combining technology and knowledge to create Speech Therapy applications and other related areas.
Speech Therapy and Technology!

Hello, I am Luciana Assanti, passionate about music, technology, and mainly speech therapy.
Master in Speech Therapy at Pontifical Catholic University – PUC-SP, Specialty Specialization at the Center for Voice Studies – CEV / Cecev – SP and Bachelor in Speech Therapy at the University of Itajaí Valley – Univali – SC.
I entered the graduation already enjoying the area of voice because I have singing as a hobby, but soon I got involved in research and extension projects, going through many Speech Therapy areas, such as Educational Speech Therapy, Auditory Processing, Public Health, and Language.
Extracurricular projects made me have a greater view of Speech Therapy given in the classroom, which certainly made a big difference in my education.
Currently, I have focused on research related to professional voice, especially in the sung voice area.
And it intended to combine this knowledge with technology that I and the mobile developer, Daniel Batiston, set up this project.
Aiming to develop innovative and useful applications for Speech Therapy and other related areas.